BDO in Denmark Appoints New CEO

BDO in Denmark Appoints New CEO

BDO in Denmark has appointed its new CEO, following the planned departure of the current CEO on October 1, 2024. The new CEO has been found internally within the company. It will be Frank Lau, who has a background as a long-time working Partner, board member, and most recently chairman of the board for BDO in Denmark.

“In my various roles at BDO, I have been involved in setting the course we are following today. I know the organization inside and out. I know the people. I know our strategic and financial goals. I know our history and where we come from. All this will undoubtedly help me settle into the new position more quickly,” says Frank Lau.

Frank is taking over from Stig Holst Hartwig, who has been the Chief Executive Officer of BDO for the past 13 years and has been a crucial factor in our positive development and growth during this period.

When Frank takes over the chair this autumn, it will be in a healthy advisory and auditing business that has cemented its position in recent years as one of the leading firms in its field in Denmark. Since Stig Holst Hartwig took office back in 2012, the number of employees has grown from just over 800 to more than 1,800 today. Additionally, BDO was able to present record-high revenue in the latest annual report, with a growth of 10.6% compared to the previous year. This was the sixth consecutive year that BDO in Denmark delivered a record-breaking financial statement.

“We are in a very good place today. This is partly due to our current CEO, Stig Holst Hartwig, who has made a fantastic effort during his 13 years in the position. We are today one of the country's leading advisory and auditing firms. This is measured both in terms of revenue, the range of advisory services offered, our international network, and our presence across Denmark. I am therefore looking forward to my new role as CEO and the exciting new challenges that await me,” says Frank Lau.

Time for New Challenges and a Slower Pace for the Outgoing CEO

The decision to pass the baton to Frank has been in progress for a year and a half for the current CEO Stig Holst Hartwig:

“I have reached an age and a point in life where I have begun to think about how to best conclude the career and work life that I have had and enjoyed. My contract actually expired last year, which provided a natural opportunity to consider whether it was time to stop. We agreed that I would stay one more year so I could help ensure a smooth transition,” he says, adding:

“I have had a privileged job for many years and enjoyed working at BDO throughout all 13 years, but it is not something you can do part-time. Therefore, it is time to pass the baton to Frank, and it is done with the utmost peace of mind and belief that he is the right person to take over the position.”

Stig plans to reduce his workload and dedicate his time to board positions and consultancy work.

A Reshuffle in BDO’s Board of Directors

The replacement of the CEO also means a reshuffle in BDO’s board of directors. Frank Lau has already passed the position of chairman to the now former vice-chairman, Ole C. K. Nielsen, who is a working Partner and International Liaison Partner in the company. The role of vice-chairman goes to Partner John Bøgehus Pedersen, who heads BDO’s growing Advisory department and has been a general board member until now.

They will both retain their respective positions as International Liaison Partner and Head of Advisory,

About Our New CEO

Frank Lau joined BDO in 1995 and has a background as both a state-authorized public accountant and a working partner. In recent years, he has been a central figure in the strategic development of the company through his role as a board member and most recently chairman of the board for BDO. Frank’s deep knowledge of BDO as a long-time working partner and his role as chairman makes him the obvious choice as the new CEO of BDO in Denmark.