The legal requirement of registration of working time has now been adopted

The legal requirement of registration of working time has now been adopted

The Amendment Act to the Working Hours Act will enter into force on 1 July 2024 and is a consequence of the European Court of Justice's decision of 14 May 2019 (Deutsche Bank), where it was established that member states are obliged to introduce a requirement to register the daily working hours of each employee.
The purpose of the working time registration requirement is to ensure compliance with existing rules on daily and weekly rest periods and maximum weekly working hours.

In accordance with the Act, the employer has freedom of method in relation to how the daily working hours are registered, as long as the time registration is objective, reliable and accessible.

However, the Danish Minister of Employment has confirmed that the obligation to register only concerns the daily working hours, and thus there is no requirement to register the time of day when the work is performed.

Furthermore, the Danish Minister of Employment has confirmed that the employer can choose a system where the daily working hours only need to be registered by the employee on days where the actual working hours deviate from the agreed and/or scheduled working hours.

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