Review of customs procedures in your company

How do you know if your current customs procedures are handled in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and in the most cost-effective way? 

Could you be paying too much in customs duties today without knowing it? What would happen if you had your company's authorisations withdrawn by The Danish Customs Agency?
Our customs review provides you with a current analysis of current customs procedures and clarifies both the possibilities of more cost-effective and correct trading. It also points to the various risks and sources of error.

If there are free trade agreements that can be utilised or other options for reduced tariffs, we will uncover these in our customs review. We therefore review all current licences/authorisations and internal procedures to ensure that you are running your business optimally from a customs point of view.

Our customs review is divided into several steps:

  • The current situation; provides a current overview of the current customs management in terms of classification, existing licences and current internal procedures.
    • Possible cost savings through changed internal routines and processes.
  • Concrete proposals for amendments to ensure cost-effective customs management.
  • Reporting and reviewing the current situation with you.

By conducting a customs review, we provide an overview of current customs management and make recommendations for improvement opportunities. Often, the analysis also leads to direct savings in terms of reduced customs amounts or waiving of fines, or we avoid revoked authorisations.

This gives you control, overview and access to information that enables you to make informed decisions, detect errors and prevent problems. Our goal is to increase your skills and through continuous improvement, our customs services will often contribute to savings in the long run.

We have more than 30 years of experience in customs- and trade-related matters. We therefore assist companies in complying with the regulations on existing authorisations from The Danish Customs Agency. 

We are pleased to offer practical customs advice on how to streamline production and warehousing through various customs procedures. 

Contact us

Klaus Kalsmose Jakobsen, BDO

Klaus Kalsmose Jakobsen

Partner, Customs & International Trade
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